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We Buy Gold, Diamonds, Silver and MORE!. Ask us!

banner image with estate jewelry

An estate jewelry sampling of what we buy from you and pay you the highest price in CASH!

We BUY Gold & Silver!

When it comes to your coins, gold, jewelry and other valuables, at Cash Quick Gold Silver, we never deal with a middle man. We weigh and test your gold or silver right in front of you. We will always pay our customers the highest price in CASH. No appointments are necessary! Just walk in and you will be seen immediately.

We Buy the following items:

Gold Jewelry and Diamonds
Broken Gold and Silver Jewelry
Gold and Silver Coins
Silver Jewelry and Sterling Flatware
Dental Gold
Old US Coins
Foreign Gold and Silver Coins
Old Paper Money
Military, War Memorabilia
Comic Books
Sports Trading Cards
AND Much More!

Stop in today and get cash for your coins, gold and jewelry!

How It Works

Get Your Money in 3 Easy Steps

Bring in your gold, jewelry and valuables

We will weigh and test your gold or
evaluate your valuables.

Supply your personal information

We always pay our customers
the highest price.

Get your cash quick!

We pay you CASH on-the-spot!